Posted by AaronClausen
Hi All,
We've needed to implement a change that will affect the structure of all user profile pages.
To date, we've hosted separate region based versions of everybody's user profile.
For example: (Michael B's all sightings) (Michael B's Canberra only sightings) (Michael B's Sydney only sightings)
Each with a unique web address E.g. Canberra. Sydney. Pilbara.
This essentially creates a massive cross product of page combinations for the system to maintain and host and provides a very large footprint for malicious actors to target because we are essentially hosting 41 different versions of every single user profile page, which are then further multiplied by the number of pages that can be paginated through each profile page for sightings and also species. It becomes absolutely massive.
13000 users x 41 regional versions x No. sighting pages
13000 users x 41 regional versions x No. species pages
This footprint is simply too big to host and maintain, it's killing our expensive infrastructure and we have a very large attack footprint for bots and scrapers as we've seen over the past few days.
This is a legacy of the regional structure we started out with and is simply not sustainable to keep doing going forward.
User profile pages will now auto redirect to the main version, which will be the single, consistent web address and version of everyone's user profile pages.
We understand that some users will miss having a dedicated canberra/michaelb version of their records in the short term. Longer term, we may investigate introducing a way to filter records on your user profile page by collection (some of which are regions) to get this kind of functionality back.
But in the short to medium term, we are killing ourselves with this overly generous architecture and need to drastically reduce our footprint to be able to keep operating the platform sustainably.
Thanks everybody for your support and understanding.