Posted by Choyster
Here we've listed solutions to common issues and questions.
Yes, we can help you bulk import any existing records, sightings or observations you may have recorded on other platforms, see our Import sightings page for more.
Records that are bulk imported into NatureMapr will be re-identified through our expert moderator workflow to ensure that the data meets the standards required by our downstream data partners.
When uploading a sighting via the website or reviewing an unidentified sighting (moderator only) you may find that the species you are after does not exisit on NatureMapr.
On the 'Add a sighting' page you must have narrowed-down your search to a level 3 or 4 category (taxanomic rank), if you cannot find the species of interest in the 'local species' list select the 'Can't find it' button which will open the 'global species' list and if this does not contain the species of interest select the 'Still can't find it' button which will enable you to enter the scientific name of the species you believe you have photographed.
If a moderator agrees with your classification they can than select 'Create species' from their 'Moderator actions'. This will create a page for that species and subsequent sightings will appear there.
To ensure that your photo contains the appropriate geodata upload them to this EXIF viewer.
NatureMapr attempts to resolve the most accurate location information as possible from your device.
This information is primarily provided by the GPS sensor in your device, but at times when your GPS sensor is unable to provide an accurate location (such as when your location may be partially obscured by a mountain or a deep canyon), it can look to other sources to determine the most accurate location information available at the time.
In such scenarios, your device may provide the NatureMapr app with a location that has reduced precision and in the worst case, may be up to a couple of hundred metres away from the true location. If this occurs, we encourage you to manually correct the location of the affected record by using the EDIT button on the affected record's sighting details page.
If you are repeatedly having issues on an Android device, please see this article: What to do when GPS is not working properly on Samsung device?
If you have followed the above instructions and are still experiencing ongoing issues, the problem may be an unreliable GPS sensor in your device hardware.
You can also try to troubleshoot the GPS sensor on your device: 11 methods to fix Android GPS not working.
On the sighting page of interest, click the 'Request use of media' button to formally request the original author's permission.
If the author approves your request, images can be cited in the following format:
User: username, NatureMapr
User's full name, NatureMapr
Every map on NatureMapr has a QR code which can be found on it's main page. Example: Namadgi National Park
Click on the QR code for a printable version along with NatureMapr original artwork should you need it for your physical signage.
If you're still experiencing issues please contact us.